About Me

Hi! My name is Taylor Wesolowski and I am a computer science and mathematics major at St. Norbert College.

Philosophy Statement

My journey at SNC didn't start with a focus on computer science. I was initially set on pursuing a degree in data analytics. From a young age, I exhibited a natural aptitude for mathematics and had always envisioned a future involving its application, just uncertain of the specific path. During my freshman year, I found myself enrolled in our introductory CS course as part of the data analytics curriculum. Despite my prior unfamiliarity with CS, I was immediately drawn to its problem solving aspects, finding joy in the challenges. As I delved deeper into shared coursework between data analytics and computer science, my love for CS grew, while my interests shied away from data analytics (no hate to data, the business courses were just not my thing). I was encouraged by supportive faculty members, amazed by how much I had learned in such a short period of time, and I could see the potential that this field had for me. So, I made the decision to change my major to computer science and mathematics during my sophomore year. Fortunately, I have been able to engage in projects at the intersection of computer science and data analytics. My capstone project involves an analysis of the data collected by my application, and I have been invited to attend the SABR analytics conference with a small team of students this year. I am looking forward to contributing to a field as dynamic and rapidly evolving as this one. If someone had told me three years ago that I would find myself in this position, I wouldn't have believed them. Yet, I am immensely grateful for the path I have taken and the opportunities it has brought forth.


Updated 01/29/2024