Blog Posts
Inverted Edge Detection
This was probably the easiest part of my project so far. On w3schools, I found a CSS style method to invert the colors within an Image or Canvas, which Inverted my edge detection so the lines were black and the background was white. I’m going to need to work with this a little, since I’m unsure how this will work when I start writing numbers on the picture (will I have to do the numbers in white because the canvas will them invert them to black?) but I’m not too worried about that right now because it should be an easy enough change. I think my next step is going…
A little bit of success
I was able to get the file upload to work and played around with canvases and some errors for a while and was finally able to get my edge detection to print out! Right now, the website only uploads the image (but doesn’t display it) and when the button is clicked, it prints out the edge detection. I want to have it set up so once the picture is uploaded, it shows on the canvas, and the user can chose colors they want from there to color in the picture, and then when they click the button, it will display the empty paint by number, and if they click the…
A summary of the last week…
I’ve had the project for over a week now, and I’d like to think I’m getting the hang of it. I’ve been working on it for at least an hour every day, more often than not, more (a pace I probably won’t be able to uphold later in the semester when things get crazy) and I’m not really sure if the progress I’ve made his enough. It’s nerve wracking dealing with something this big because it’s really difficult to estimate how long it will take me to figure out each part. This week, I scrapped the python edge detection I wrote since it was incompatible with the HTML (I probably…
Edge Detection Step One
Today, I worked through edge detection of a photo using python. There were many articles online that gave me a place to start, and I tried to walk through a few of them. The one I ended up using took an image, converted it into a matrix, and then applied matrix multiplication to determine changes in color and shade. These areas of change were colored in white, while the rest was black. The concept was easy enough to understand, and it took me a few hours to walk through but I was finally able to get it to work. Honestly, the hardest part in this process was downloading a bunch…
Trouble Early On (This was expected)
Today, I spent some time looking into Edge Detection. I was excited when I found a website I thought would be helpful, but it would only work if I had OpenCV on my computer, which I did not. After spending nearly two hours downloading this to test it out, it didn’t work and I have no clue how to fix it… Back to square one tomorrow!
The Beginning
I received my project yesterday evening and met with the professors today to discuss it. I’m really excited to work on this project. During quarantine I completed a handful of paint by numbers and think it’ll be fun to make some using pictures of my cats. I want to create a plan so I can tackle the project small pieces at a time and don’t get overwhelmed. To start, I’m going to be looking into edge detection software and algorithms, and different methods to fill shapes with color. I also need to solve a few issues with uploading files onto the server.