John Rousseau - Senior Capstone Experience |
Resume Career Plan CS Philosophy Previous Work Journal Presentation Source Code
Source Code & Files API Example Files This zip file contains all of the files necessary for learning and using the API that I created. There is a bunch of interaction with the camera that I demonstrate in this file that I don't use in any of my other programs. I included the files for future upgrades. Moving Client Files This zip file contains all of the files necessary to execute the program I used during the movement of the golf cart. StandStill Client Files This zip file contains all of the files necessary to execute the program I used during the movement of the wheels on the jack. It varies slightly from the Moving Client Example. Verify Files This zip file contains all of the files necessary to execute the program I used to verify the camera settings. It is very simple and does not use the API. It was a great test tool for use during debugging of installation and setup. Server Program This zip file contains the initial release of the Picture Server. It works with all of my clients, but varies significantly from the version on the golf cart. That version cannot operate on any computer that does not have the GadgetMaster attached. For this reason, I have been testing using this server. A server needs to be running in order to get pictures from the camera if using the Server picture capability. |