My Philosophy
Updated February 6, 2009
I am drawn to computer science and related technology fields by my creative and problem-solving impulses. There is a joy and fascination for me in the new and the nifty, and when I am able to contribute to their development, I find it rewarding.
My interest in human-computer interaction began growing when I realized that I, like all programmers, am not like a normal user, and that I need to take special care to ensure that the hardware, software, and experiences I create make sense not only to me, but to users without the idiosyncratic "CS" or "software engineering" view of the world. As I learned more about usability, I started noticing ways the things I interact with daily could be improved, and these observations became a part of the way I saw the world. This integration of an interaction-based viewpoint indicated to me that I would find a path in HCI in addition to CS fulfilling.