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About Me

Personal Info

Name: Erik VandeWalle
Major: Computer Science
Concentration: Computer Science
Minor: Japanese Area Studies


As long as I can remember I have always been interested in computers and technology. My first introduction to computer science was in kindergarten, although I didn't know it at the time. I remember our class had sessions in which we were given instructions to copy that would program a "turtle" to make various shapes on Apple IIe computers. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I learned we were programming in Logo, and though it would be a decade until I took another course in which I was learning to program I continued to muddle about trying to learn as much about computers as I could. One of my favorite things about computer science is there is always something new to learn, some new idea to implement, or new ways to solve old problems more efficiently. Programming can be fun, frustrating, simple, and complex. Often it will be all of these things in one project. However, being able to build solutions from this seemingly abstract theory and making something tangible is incredible.


Click the link below to view my resume (updated Feb 4, 2011)
Resume (PDF)


I am currently looking for employment in my field. I hope to start with a software development position.
(May 9, 2010)