Project Timeline
This is a semester long project, but without a timeline, it is hard to visualize whether or not I am actually on track. In attempt to keep on track, this is a vague idea of the tasks at hand each week. Note that although the semester is 16 weeks long, the project really has to be done in 13 weeks because the final three weeks of the semester are reserved for presentations, project defense and finalizing everything.
Week 1: January 23-29
Projects assigned on Thursday
Research and gain understanding of tasks
Resume and Philosophy Statement
Get website up and running
Week 2: January 30- February 5
Continue research and get further understanding of tasks
Begin draft of design
Website and resume/philosophy statement due Thursday
Week 3: February 6-12
Play with real railroad
Continue research and draft of design
Week 4: February 13-19
Finish research
Begin implementing design
Modify design as necessary
Week 5: February 20-26
Continue modifying design
Week 6: February 27-March 4
Week 7: March 5-11
Walk through in class- what is your project like so far?
Week 8: March 12-18
Spring Break- Fort Myers, FL
Take some time off
Week 9: March 19-25
Week 10: March 26-April 1
Week 11: April 2-8
Week 12: April 9-15
Begin preparing PowerPoint
Finish coding/testing
Week 13: April 16-22
Final touches on project
Work on PowerPoint and Presentation
Week 14: April 23-29
Open demos and Presentations
Prepare for Project Defense
Week 15: April 30-May 6
Project Defense
Finalize Website
Update career path/resume/philosophy
Week 16: May 7-13
Everything finalized
Graduation=May 13
Week 1: January 23-29
Projects assigned on Thursday
Research and gain understanding of tasks
Resume and Philosophy Statement
Get website up and running
Week 2: January 30- February 5
Continue research and get further understanding of tasks
Begin draft of design
Website and resume/philosophy statement due Thursday
Week 3: February 6-12
Play with real railroad
Continue research and draft of design
Week 4: February 13-19
Finish research
Begin implementing design
Modify design as necessary
Week 5: February 20-26
Continue modifying design
Week 6: February 27-March 4
Week 7: March 5-11
Walk through in class- what is your project like so far?
Week 8: March 12-18
Spring Break- Fort Myers, FL
Take some time off
Week 9: March 19-25
Week 10: March 26-April 1
Week 11: April 2-8
Week 12: April 9-15
Begin preparing PowerPoint
Finish coding/testing
Week 13: April 16-22
Final touches on project
Work on PowerPoint and Presentation
Week 14: April 23-29
Open demos and Presentations
Prepare for Project Defense
Week 15: April 30-May 6
Project Defense
Finalize Website
Update career path/resume/philosophy
Week 16: May 7-13
Everything finalized
Graduation=May 13