- Create Firebase Buckets for User, Question and possibly Lobbies
- Create Cloud Storage Space to allow for picture and sound storage
- Create an Authentication Login Method Using Firebase Authentication
- Users should be able to initiate three (maybe four) activities
- Profile Page: Edit personal info as well as view statistics
- Lobby Page: Place to join/create trivia games
- Question Page: view/edit questions created by user currently logged in
- Allow User to create a profile to save statistics from previous trivia games.
- Allow user to play as a guest with specific username.
- Allow user to add their own questions and create their own quiz(s).
- Questions can consist of text, images, or sound.
- Answers must be in multiple choice format.
- Create a scoring system on a per game basis.
- Allow user to create or join a lobby to initiate a trivia game.
- Set a specific amount of time for a user to answer each question.
- At the end of each question show a leaderboard of some kind.
- Realtime Database
- Cloud Server
- Hosting Service
- Ties all front end frameworks together.
- Calls and manages all Cordova actions
- Front-end JavaScript framework
- Allows access to native functionality such as photos, camera, etc.
- User's Device Type