
Philosophy Statement

Ever since I was a toddler I remember playing video games in my spare time. Our household had many game consoles throughout time, including the NES, SNES, N64, original PlayStation, and the original Xbox to name a few. Many of my fond childhood memories include playing multiplayer games alongside my older brother and dad on these various consoles. As I grew older, my love for video games continued. I remember at one point answering “a video game maker!” to the age-old “What do you want to be when you grow up?” question adults parade you with when you are a kid. My love for video games translated to technology in general as I matured. My high school offered a single computer programming course, but as an honors student I was inundated with AP classes, unable to fit it into my schedule. Despite this, after I was accepted into St. Norbert College I could feel computer science calling my name. I declared it as my anticipated major and since then I haven’t had a single regret about this decision. I instantly fell in love with coding once I took the introductory course St. Norbert offers. I love the idea of creating anything I want, with no absolute “correct” way of accomplishing what I want to create. I also admire the challenge and “perfectness” required to create a functional program. I feel euphoric whenever I complete a project. Being able to overcome obstacles and manifest an idea into a functional program that others may use gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment. I want coding to be my career, and hopefully there comes a day where others may find use out of my work, or even be inspired by it.

Contact Info

My primary email: derek.huber@snc.edu
My personal email: derekhuber.huber@gmail.com
Resume (last updated May, 2021):