This week I have mostly done research on what I may want to do with my project. There are a lot of Tag Clouds all over the internet so I set out to find out what I could do to make mine unique. On the most basic level, all tag clouds should compile the words used into an easily understandable visual representation of the number of times each word is used. This is represented in all of the tag clouds I found and will be used in my own. One of the more unique things utilized in some tag clouds is a focus on personalization with the style of the cloud itself. I would like to include this in my own, hopefully, this will consist of; the font, color scheme, shape, direction of words, etc… These are all things that I have seen in other tag clouds though, so it seems that I will have to continue to search for the unique aspect that I have to include. This is the most advanced tag cloud that I have found so far.

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