Oh, The Places SNC Grads Go!

Senior Capstone Project 2024

About The Project

Project Description:

Develop an application that uses a map to visually track the places that our SNC CS students have interned, worked, and attended graduate school that can be used by students, faculty, and visitors.

General Requirements:

1. The CS discipline will maintain the data to be displayed. They may need to add, delete, or modify data. Make this easy!
2. Discuss with CS faculty what data is to be stored behind the application to learn other ways in which they might use the data.
3. A user of the application should be able to filter what locations they wish to see ... internships, graduate schools, or graduate schools and internships, etc
4. Consider defining “recent” to show data from recent grads only.
5. A zoom option will enlarge a region chosen by the user, or occasionally zoom regions randomly so the map does not look stagnant.
6. Select a pin to get more information.

Project Files

Full CS Alum Tracker Code Zip Folder

CS Alum Tracker

Full CS Alum Tracker Code Zip Folder (as .txt files)

CS Alum Tracker (.txt)

Gant Chart Prototype