Project Description
- Application support tool for drivers of taxi service to aid them in picking up and delivering passengers
- Makes their jobs easier by directing and managing who to pick up, when, and where
- No memorization required by drivers as to customer addresses, destination locations, etc.
- More of a guide on who to pick up while giving drivers the freedom to decide who to pick up next
- This is to replace having to write down on a notepad who to pick up next and have to decide where to go next based on the driver's own guesses and assumptions.
- No need to call HQ on who to pick up next as they will update the database directly with new customers when they call HQ, which will in turn be updated by the tool.
CS Concepts Used
- Database coursework
- Queue data structure
- Classes
- Functions/Conditional Statements
- Event Programming
Future Work
- Add multiple taxis
- Adding tooltips/infoboxes to markers when mouse clicks or scrolls over them
- Improve scalability
- Have the application deal with riders who have specific scheduled appointments, take destination times into effect
- Make Mobile? Possible real GPS technology used?
Figure 1: ER-Diagram
Figure 2: Main Application Screen
Figure 3: Login Form
Figure 4: User Interface Form
Figure 5: Change Customer Form