This site is dedicated to the senior capstone project for my computer science degree at St. Norbert College. I was tasked with creating a mobile application that acts as a virtual tour guide for visitors to St. Norbert College. Have a look around!
1. Select a mobile platform.
2. Include an interactive map of the campus.
3. The map has a You Are Here feature.
4. A visitor can request to see a specific feature and the guide will show you the way.
5. The guide describes campus features (GMS, Cofrin, Main Hall) as a visitor approaches or points to them.
6. The map contains icons showing locations of POIs. Choosing the POI shows information about it.
7. A layered approach would augment the POI based on a chosen layer (eats, classes, faculty, etc.).
8. Link to related sites.
9. Zoom for detail.
10. List nearby POI or all POI as menu choices.
11. Develop an administrator component that allows the information to be easily edited.