Massive amounts of numerical and textual information are produced daily. Surveys collect data via multiple-choice questions as well as comment fields. Climate data including air temperature, water temperature and levels, wind speed and CO 2 levels are gathered frequently and at numerous sites, producing incredibly large data sets within even small geographical regions. The amount of data is simply overwhelming and the ability to represent “big-data” in meaningful, visual ways is increasingly more important in many fields of study.

Project Description:

Build software that visually illustrates regional trends in climate data such as wind speed and temperature using large data sets.

General Requirements:

  1. Research different available climate data sources and file formats.
  2. Prepare data for illustration.
  3. Use visual attributes to describe the characteristics of the data such as value and rate of change
  4. Animate the data over a time period.
  5. Illustrate the data for the same month (perhaps day) over a period of years.
  6. Illustrate the data in a continuous (versus discrete) manner (smoothing …)