Motoring A Web Cam

Deployment & Modification Steps



Steps to deploy my web application

  1. The first step is to have both Internet Information Services (IIS) and FrontPage Server Extensions (FPSE) must be installed and configured.
  2. The next step is to download and install .NET Framework
  3. After this you need to install the Phidgets Library
  4. Once Phidgets Library is installed then you need to install my program.
  5. Next we need to install the Logitech software
  6. You will need to restart your computer and plug in the camera into the USB port (following instructions from program) before you continue.
  7. After this you need to plug in the Phidget device into the USB port.
  8. Once here we need to install either Dorgem or TrackerCam or both video streaming programs. From here you will also need to set up your web page so that you can view the pictures.
  9. And you are finished.  Everything is set up and you can now run my program and it will show streaming video with pan and tilt control over the internet.


Steps to modify my web application

  1. First you need to make sure that you have Visual Studio.NET installed on your computer and have steps 1-3 finished.
  2. Instead of Installing my program onto your computer you need to do a copy and paste instead.
  3. You need to copy the folder webapplication2 to C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\WebApplication2
  4. Next you need to copy the other folder Visual Studio Projects\webapplication2 to C:\Documents and Settings\kevin\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects
  5. Once this is all done you need to configure IIS permissions and whatnot.  To do this skip the first two bullets on the page and follow the rest of the instructions.
  6. Once this is finished you can open the project from C:\Documents and Settings\kevin\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\WebApplication2
  7. Now you can modify and change any of the code as you like.  To run the project is just like Visual Studio 6. Just select debug->start without debugging.
  8. All done! Have fun changing files.


For firewall or router problems follow the links below.

Bypassing Router with a Linksys Router

Bypassing Firewall