Cracking the Code Project Abstract
How do governments keep top-secret communications secure? How can they break
into other governments' secret messages? Welcome to cryptanalysis, a disciple
flourishing under the uniting of Computer Science and Mathematics. If either of
these disiplines interest you (or just finding out other people's secrets),
then Cracking the Code is the introduction into the field you need! The
presentation begins with outlining basic cryptography principles, no background
knowledge needed to understand. Then I will explain in-depth the entire process
of encoding a text using an XOR encryption scheme and decoding the resulting
message using various algorithms -- without knowledge of the encryption key
used, thereby "cracking the code".
Advice and Directions for Website Users:
If you are not familar
with cryptography, I would strongly recommend you view the Cryptography
Tutorial prior to exploring the rest of the project details. However, you can
also jump right in to the project and try encrypting a text and then decoding
it by using my final graphical user interface (found by clicking on the "Try it
Now!" link). I have also included the results of my analysis of the various
solutions and suggestions for future extensions on the project. Finally, if you
have not had enough fun by just looking at my algorithms and solutions, you can
view all of my source code, fully documented. I have posted all code outright.
Experiment with the code all you like, but please reference me if you use my
work. I have cited the major sources I used throughout the project. Minor
sources are cited within my text or code itself.