I am an irredeemable idealist. I am a critical thinker who values
beauty and harmony in a search for balance. With that said I want to enjoy all parts of
life, including work. I have never been one to enjoy working for works sake; I need a
motivating factor. My solution is a rewarding career that is more than just a job, but
a hobby as well.
I am a results oriented person and have always enjoyed creating things.
To be able to see an idea carried out from start to finish gives me the sense of accomplishment
I'm looking for. Therefore, I think a rewarding job would be one that allows me to see end
results while maintaining the belief that the better something is done the more rewarding
the result.
Overall, I find myself to be a pretty well rounded individual. I do my best to
bring care to what I do so it's done right, I try to think out of the box to come up with
the best solution, and I am easy-going to prevent, and get over, problems that are sure to