

I finished my Capstone Project today with my defense. Thank you all for this project, it meant a lot to me to be able to create something usable! Thank you to Dr. McVey-Pankratz and the CS facaulty for the past four years, it's been really great!

Dual Searching

April, 17, 2021

Making Searched Items Persistent

In this update, the marker and current location can be used as search parameters, and their results persist on the screen after consecuative searches.

Moving Forward

Moving forward with this project I would like to implement pathing to the location with on click I would like the click function to also open an InfoWindow with the establishment's name, travel distance (travel distance with a vehicle), and other details

Places Implementation

April, 17, 2021

Adding Search to Dynamic Marker

I created a Marker which the User can move with a click and drag. This marker can be used as a search vector in the menu when the "Marker Location" Radio Button is selected, and the Form is filled out by the User.

Moving Forward

In the current status both of these searches use the same function and overwrite the previous search. I'm looking into ways to maintain the places and circles on the map for follow on searches.

Places Implementation

April, 17, 2021

Provide User Inputs to Map Layer

I Create a method through which users can provide inputs to the Map Layer shown in the Drop Down menu in the upper right corner. I currently use this menu to retreive Radius, and Tolerance between Circles.
Once this data is retrived and converted to be functional with the Google Places API, it is passed up to the Parent Component then back down into the Map component which then creates Three circles.

Circle Creation

Three circles are created in the Map component from the User inputed data. These circles are to be used for the nearbyPlaces API call which retrieves Points of Interest for the Map layer.

Display Points Of Interests from Query

After the Data is retrieved from the nearbyPlaces API call, I create Markers from the Name, Location, and the Icon associated with the type of business of the results.

More To Do

In the projects current status I can only retrieve 20 results from the nearbyPlaces API call I will need to implement Pagination to get more results!

User Data Intergration

April, 5, 2021

Worked on refining User Data inputs into the Google API. Used data to compute a Latitude and Longitude to be provided to the Google API to return Points of Interests. These points of interests will be ploted on the Google Map via Pins. At some Future Point. Currently my issue I'm trying to over come is the ability to implement pins on the map with rewriteable data.

User defined Circles from Current Location

Implementing user defined circles at varying distances from Current Location the User inputs for these circles would be through the dropdown menu in the upper right corner. The User supplies the Radius of the circle they want to look and a tolerance to build a circle within the main circle and an additional circle outside the main.

CallBacks, CallBacks

April, 1, 2021

To acomplish a user input pin from a menu I need to devise a system of callbacks to get the data from the menu component and then place it onto the map in the parent component.

Currently my Structure looks like:
-App.js --Maps.js --Menu.js
The data is to be passed from the Menu Component (Menu.js) to the Parent Component (App.js) then placed onto the Map.
To Achieve this, I will send my Child Component (Menu.js) data through the Parent's State, then retrieve it with the Child's props. Change them, then Call back to the Parent and update the Map data. The Data at this point is Bearing and Distance which I will use to calculate a point which may potentially become my search latitude and longitude for a Near-by-Search using Google's Places APIs

Drop Down Menu

March, 24, 2021

Created a menu which the user can hide or show as desired. This menu currently contains filler text but will be the location for the user to input data into the map.

This menu was created with a combination of ReactJS and Bootstrap CSS

Moving Forward

March, 18, 2021

In the upcomming week I intend to work on getting a distance formula to calculate the point of intrest implement the google maps api to more accurately and simply calculate the disance to my point of intrest from which I will be searching for near-by locations as shown here. I also intend to create menu overlay for user input data and create overlays for the search area.

So far today I added a show/hide feature in React which I intend to use for a data input menu on the Left side of the screen.

element-hidden element-shown

Journey With React

March 11, 2021

Since my last blog post we have made several applications available on the CompSci Server:

  • HTTPS Certificate
  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • I have also rewritten the poritons of my Vanila JS into React JS which runs on my local server. While doing this I am struggling with the ability to migrate this from my local environment to the compsci04 server to allow for open access to my new map. I believe I found the issue for this, and plan on testing it later today.

    Distance Formula Research

    March 1, 2021

    I found a distance formula writen in JS to allow myself to find the point of intrest via User Input Bearing and Range from their current position. StackOverFlow Link

    Valuable Feedback and Playing with React.js

    February 21, 2021

    Today after our mini-poster session, I received some very valuable feedback which helped with understanding a few of the processes and ideas I want to implement in my project.

    Session 1
    Board from Section 1

    In my first session with my small group, the feedback I received helped me decide how I was going to retrieve places from the Google Maps API, how to offer a better user interaction with the 'Cone'/search area for points, and the idea to add a tolerance to the search area.

    Session 2

    In my second session, I received more feedback whcih gave me the direction of changing the arc to a rectangle as this would be a better representation of what is actually being retrieved as well as an easier way to set tolerances around the search point.

    This section also brought forward many additions to help support HCI such as allowing the user to set the distance and tolerance via touching the UI.

    Looking into React.js

    I began my ventures in React.js, I followed their intialization setup and loaded node.js and React onto my local environment, it ran well, then I loaded it onto my RaspberryPi allowing me to hit it remotely.

    I made the Tic-Tac-Toe Game from their tutorial here.

    I finished with this:

    Finding my API Function - nearbySearch

    February 16, 2021

    Today after many days of wondering how I am going to extract places from the library of Google APIs I believe I found my gem - a little function called nearbySearch. I plan on testing and investigating this function this week to work it into my project. This function should, display a list of results at a specific latitude/longitude within a given radius. Using this function will be the back-bone of my project showing what locations are available at the specified distance.

    Moving Forward: Re-engaging with Google Maps API

    February 11, 2021

    What's Been Done.

    Today I was able to setup my Map page on CompSci02, and thus able to retrieve the User Computer's Location.

  • Add Map Centering on User's Provided Location
  • Add Input Fields for Radius of Circle
  • Add Submit and Reset Buttons
    • Submit - Draws Circle Overlay
    • Reset - Re-initializes the entire Map
  • Draw the Circle Overlay on the Map
    • Retrieve Input String to Nubmeric
    • Convert Miles to Meters prior to API call

  • Introduced Bugs

  • Currently the User can draw as many Circles as they want. - Need to find a way to limit to a single circle
    • Attempted to re-initialze the map, but this clears the current circle too ??? Even when the circle is drawn after the new initialization of the map

  • Next Items to Tackle

  • Make the Circle a more refinded Arc - Directional in nature such that if the user is heading a certain direction it does not show them locations behind them.
  • Search Along the Arc to find locations
  • Introduct Time and Speed to Solve for Distance.
      Exampe: There's a cake in the oven that will be done in 40 minutes where can I drive that's exactly 20 minutes out and turn around to be back in time to grab my cake.
  • Experiementing and Setuping Google Maps API

    February 9, 2021

    react-bootstrap google-api

    Researching topics

    Today I setup my Google Maps API.
    I looked into using React JS, and Bootstrap CSS along with PHP as my primary frameworks.

    I did a little experiement displaying my map as shown below and realized that I cannot get Location Input from the User on Compsci04 Due the lack of SSL Certificate.

    Map Testing Screen-Shot

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