About Me

I am a senior at St. Norbert College and will graduate in May 2023 with a degree in Computer Science Education with a Math Education minor. I will be certified EA-A for math and computer science. I completed my student teaching in the fall of 2022 spending 9 weeks at De Pere High School and De Pere Middle School teaching grades 7-12. Outside of academics, I am involved in SNC Concert Choir, Pen Pals, and Computer Science Club, and a mentor for De Pere Middle School’s Girls Who Code Club.
In the fall of 2023, I will start my position as a full-time computer science and technology teacher at Middleton High School in Middleton, Wisconsin.
Career Plans
Philosophy Statement
My philosophy of teaching stems from the notion that every child is unique and has the capacity to learn when given proper instruction in a way that matches their learning needs. Every student can learn when they are taught properly and in a way that fits them. As an educator, I want to provide my students with opportunities to learn in a way that works best for them so that they can thrive in my classroom. There are so many different ways that students can learn so I want to accommodate every style that my students learn for them to achieve. Every experience is a learning experience and one never stops learning. I want to learn with my students and constantly improve my practice. Students and teachers should feel comfortable in their classroom environment to make mistakes and be able to learn from everyone. In my classroom, I want to own my mistakes and be a model of someone who is constantly growing and learning. By having an open and honest classroom, I can create a safe space for students to learn.
By implementing multiple teaching strategies, I will be able to provide every student with engagement in a lesson in their own way. Students who are shy or feel uncomfortable sharing out loud in class may feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts through anonymous sources while more outgoing students may want to get up in front of the whole class and share. By providing alternative methods of student engagement, students can do what they feel most comfortable doing. Students will be assessed by their knowledge of concepts and overall understanding of concepts. Everyone makes mistakes and students should not be penalized for small computational errors when their strategies and train of thought were correct. Students will continually learn and build on their knowledge through homework assignments and warm-up problems that get them motivated to learn while preparing them for the day’s lesson. I will use an online source like Google Classroom or a website that will allow students to access notes, assignments, and any other resources they may need for me.