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Project Description

Develop a gentle educational programming language that enables a student to visually construct and execute programs in a simple environment.

Initial Project Requirements:

  • Rename Karela however you wish.
  • Visit Karel the Robot for ideas.
  • Develop an IDE that shows the command menu, the program, and a visual of Karela executing the commands.
  • Of course Karela can save and open existing programs.
  • Karela should be sensitive to the student’s level of understanding.
  • Provide a tutorial that shows how to program Karela at each level.
  • Design lab experiments for students at different grade levels.
  • Some programming features might include:
    •  Simple commands like turnon, turnoff, turnleft, putbeeper, getbeeper
    • An environment containing roads and walls
    • Control commands like if, while, repeat (iterate)
    • Booleans that are used by the control commands
    • Functions or new words that describe a task in terms of existing words/commands
    • Functions that use parameters
    • Giving Karela the ability to visually run more than one program concurrently 
