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General Requirements

1. Locate moving objects in a video.

2. Allow the user to designate which objects to track throughout a video.

3. Track the movements of multiple objects in a video.

4. Allow the user to designate the interval between examined frames.

5. Label the moving objects.

6. Control the speed of the replay and allow the user to move forward and backward while maintaining the augmentation.

7. Account for orientation and camera angle of the video when augmenting the video.


Project Abstract

The complex nature of soccer demands advanced tools for analysis and comprehension, both for enthusiasts and professionals alike. This project’s goal is to ease the learning curve for new viewers and players, while also being an effective tool for building in-game intuition at all levels of the game. By tracking and augmenting video, users are able to manipulate existing videos to recognize what really happened.

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Setup instructions
Data Flow diagram
Drone Dribble Drill
3 Person Passing
Ball Turn
Stadium Drill
Buttons pics for GUI

Project Timeline