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Week 6: A Fresh Start

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The start of this week was slow going because I could not figure out how to get an API Key. However, after setting up a new billing account on Tuesday, I finally acquired the API key.

After following this Simple Map tutorial, I was able to get a map to load using JavaScript and HTML. I changed the center of the map and the zoom to focus on North America because that is where the data I am starting with is located.

You can view the web map here:

I met with Dr. McVey Wednesday afternoon and have some solid steps to work forward with. The first one is to format the data sets that I have found to make it easier to read in as a JSON file and remove the rest of the extra data I won’t be using. Next, we looked briefly through a past student’s code that had a similar project a few years ago. So looking through that, I feel like I have a great jumping-off point to start working through code over the next few weeks.

So overall, it was not a super productive week because of being stuck figuring out how to get an API key. But, this weekend I am going to work on formatting the data using VLookups and then looking at possibilities to change the base map because I don’t love the current one.

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