CMU Cam - CS 460 Senior Capstone



Web Client






Videos, powerpoints, and images can be found on this page.

Links for the CMUCam and Stamp Board

How To -- QuickView(doc)
The how to guide explaining connecting the camera and robot to a PC as well as other usefull information.

Follow Me -- QuickView(frm)
This is the code that will allow the user to follow an object using the CMUCam and the 4W4T robot.
Build - 04/19/2006
Build - 04/30/2006

CMU/Robo Joystick Program (Advanced) -- QuickView(Joystick frm, CMU frm)
This program comes with the ability to control all settings on the CMUcam as well as steer the robot.
Build - 02/09/2006
Build - 02/12/2006
Build - 04/13/2006

- 04/30/2006

Robo Joystick Program (Simple) -- QuickView(frm)
This program is a stripped down version of the above. All of the CMUCam features have been taken out, all that remains is the ability to steer the Robot manually.
Build - 04/17/2006

CMUCam SDK -- QuickView(code)
This is the code for the SDK for the CMUCam. It includes the header file for use with C\C++ development.
SDK Final - 04/30/2006

CMUCam SDK Documentation and Sample Programs
Sample Code in C++ & VB along with a manual which documents each function within the SDK.
Documentation & Samle Code - 04/19/2006

Stamp Code -- QuickView(Built in, Advanced)
These are the code modules for the Stamp board on teh 4W4T robot. The first one uses the built in routines. The second has the ability for more fined tuned steering since you have to send in all the servo positions. They can't be combined because the built in routines take up all of the space within the stamp board.
Built In Routines - 03/25/2006
Advanced Routines - 04/13/2006

Dump Tests -- QuickView(frm, bas)
This is the program I use to test the SDK speed compared with VB. The .dll in the file has to be placed in your C:\ or registered to the machine using regsvr32 commad.
Build - 03/37/2006

Dump Image and Applet -- QuickView(frm, bas, class)

This is the program that reads off images from the CMUCam and the Java applet that will load them into the web browser for the user to see.
- 04/23/2006

Download Everything
To download the entire working directory including all of the above code, documentation, and other related data click here.