Binary Data Storage and Manipulation
Demonstrating Physical Representation and Implementation


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::Simple Circuitry::

In the construction of our project, we have used four basic types of circuitry components: transistors, resistors, light bulbs controlled by relays, and manually actuated switches.

A transistor is a device that utilizes a type of material called a semiconductor. This type of material can conduct electricity, such as a metal, or it will not conduct electricity, like rubber. In the case of a modern transistor, the specific material used is silicon. Impurities are added to the silicon to create N-type(Negative) and P-type(Positive) silicon. These types of silicon form junctions, through which electricity can only flow one direction (aslo refered to as a diode). This happens because the P-type region only alows positive charge to flow though it and the N-type only alows negative charges to flow though it. The transistor uses these junctions and puts them back to back, so in a normal state no electricity can flow. But, if electricity is applied to the middle section, this creates a channel through that section alowing electricity to pass throught the juction that it previously could not. This is how the transistor can act as a switch

A resistor is a device that lowers the amount of electricity flowing through a circuit by dissipating some of it as heat. We use resistors to protect our transistors, which are sensitive components, from overheating / burning up due to excessive electrical current from the voltage source (battery, etc.).

The light bulbs that we used to display output are standard-sized colored incandescent light bulbs. They are powered by standard 110 volt alternating current (AC), which is what comes out of most wall outlets. Since logic circuitry can only work with direct current (DC), we use our logic circuitry to trip relays, which are devices that switch the dissimilar current type for us, to turn on the light bulbs.
A manually actuated switch is the same thing as a common light switch used to turn the lights in a room on and off. The ones that we used happen to light up when switched in the on position to illustrate the bit patterns that they are supposed to represent.

Ciruitry Components

Some pictures of the circuitry components are shown below.


NPN Transistor


Carbon Film Resistor

::More Info::

Transistor Info
(External Link)

Basic Circuitry
(External Link)
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