A Step Forward

This week was a busy week so there hasn’t been too much progress. The biggest achievement would be the creation of a step-through button which allows the user to step through the code line by line. After a meeting with Dr. McVey, I found that it wasn’t very hard to do with the way that I have coded the run button. The hardest part was maintaining by place in the program when the step button was pressed. My loops gave me a bit of trouble. In trying to figure out the step-through, I found bugs in my run button. I think I got a little ahead of myself and didn’t test it all thoroughly. I still have one bug that I am trying to work out but otherwise, the step-through is working and the run button has been fixed.
With the step button, I had to put some safeguards in so the program didn’t throw an exception. I found that if I spammed the button, I threw an exception so my fix was to disable the button once it’s clicked and only enable it once it’s gone through the actions it needed to. This should fix any errors caused by someone spamming the button, especially out of frustration as I did. Right now, step-through is a variable mess but it works. There is a lot of tweaking that will need to be done but functionality is the main goal right now.
As a break from debugging, I created a new form for the lesson window and a button that launches the form. This will set me up nicely for focusing on my lesson window in the upcoming weeks. Overall, this week was not as productive as I would have liked on this project but it’s still coming along.